Coming Soon to 'A Certain Point of View'

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Well, hello there!

It's been a while since I've written a non-review post. There are several reasons for this, the biggest being that I no longer write as much about my personal life as I used to. Not that there isn't anything new or interesting going on; au contraire, my friends. My life has changed radically in the eight years since I started A Certain Point of View, and maybe someday I'll revisit those changes here or in another venue. Right now, though, I'll just focus on creating the kind of content you've been seeing here for the past few years - namely, reviews and reflections about movies, books, music, TV shows, and the occasional computer game, as well as a soupcon of political commentary should the mood strike me.

I was going to write a review of The Capital of Baseball (1950-1960), the seventh episode of Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns, but my heart is not in it. It would entail rewatching the episode, which I ordinarily would not mind doing, but in my head I hear my muse saying, Nah, you can do that one next week. It's almost noon, and by the time you finish viewing the episode and doing the write-up, it will be past six. Give yourself a break; it's not like the world will end if you don't write a review today. 

So, instead of a review, I'll go ahead and give you a sneak preview of what I'll be working on next week:

I have not yet figured out in what order I'll be tackling the items on my To Do list, but these are the most likely topics:

© 2010 Florentine Films and PBS Distribution

  1.   Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns - Inning Seven: The Capital of Baseball (1950-1960)
  2.   The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870-1914
  3.   The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict
  4.   Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Dark Horse Comics graphic novel)
  5.   To Be Determined

© 1978 Simon & Schuster Books


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