'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The Radio Drama' Episode Review: 'Gambler's Choice'

(C) 1980 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)
Gambler's Choice


  • Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)
  • Princess Leia Organa (Ann Sachs)
  • Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams)
  • See-Threepio (Anthony Daniels)
  • Artoo-Detoo
  • Darth Vader (Brock Peters)
  • Chewbacca
  • Lobot
  • Boba Fett
  • Imperial Lieutenant
  • Imperial Commander 
  • First Trooper
  • Second Trooper
  • Supervisor
  • Bespin Guard #1
  • Bespin Guard #2
  • Bespin Guard #3
  • Narrator (Ken Hiller)
Reviewer's Note: All quoted material is from the 1995 Del Rey book Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The National Public Radio Dramatization. This edition contains Brian Daley's complete radio play, which differs slightly from the version of the Radio Drama which aired on National Public Radio in 1983 and the original 1990s HighBridge Audio cassette and compact disc editions. The version in Daley's script was recorded, but as with the original 1981 Star Wars Radio Drama, edits were made at the request of NPR due to the needs of the radio format. The longer version is available in HighBridge Audio's more expensive Limited Edition CD collection of Star Wars: The Complete Radio Drama Trilogy.


Music: Opening theme.

Narrator: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there came a time of revolution, when Rebels united to challenge a tyrannical Empire. Now, it is a dark time for the Rebellion. Using Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and See-Threepio as bait, Darth Vader has lured Luke Skywalker to Cloud City, a mining colony of the planet Bespin.

Sound: Luke's X-wing landing on exterior landing platform. 

Narrator:  As Luke makes his landing approach, the Dark Lord has gathered his prisoners in the carbonite-freezing chamber, where he means to place Luke in suspended animation for transportation to the Emperor. But first, he has chosen to test the process on Han Solo.

Sound: Freezing sounds, turbines, hissing gas, etc., come up.

Narrator: As his companions watch helplessly, Han undergoes the agony of carbonite encasement, perhaps to survive, perhaps to die in the freezing pit.

Concept art for Cloud City by Ralph McQuarrie. (C) 1980 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

Sound: Freezing sounds all the way up. Ughnaught techs grunting, off, other techs wild lines, off. Vader's breathing, point of view.

Vader: (TO OFF) You there; Supervisor! Report!

Supervisor: (FROM OFF) Freezing process nearly complete, Lord Vader!

Leia: Is he alive? Vader, is Han alive?

Vader: We shall know that presently, Your Highness.

Threepio: What - what's happening? Chewbacca, strapped to your back like this, I can't see a thing! Turn 'round! Turn 'round! I want to see!

Chewbacca:  WAILS.

Threepio: Oh, if only you'd reattached my legs! Administrator Calrissian, I beg of you, tell me what is taking place!

Lando: It's nearly over, Threepio.

Leia: Yes. Nearly over.

Supervisor (FROM OFF) Carbonite freezing complete! Secure from freezing mode!

Vader: (TO OFF) Hoist the carbonite block out of the pit and bring it here. 

Sound: Hoist descends, grabs the block, lifts it out, and deposits it near them with a boom under next lines.

Supervisor: (FROM OFF) Stand clear of the hoist!

Leia: Look! The block is still smoking!

Threepio: Oh, dear! Poor Captain Solo! Well, he should be quite well-protected if he survives the freezing process, that is.

Leia: How you must be enjoying this, Vader! Cruelty and pain and grief. All the things you live by. 

Lando: Leia....

Vader: If you try my patience any further, Your Highness, I will have you silenced. (To Lando) Calrissian!

Lando: Yes, Lord Vader? 

Vader: You will examine the sensors on the block, and determine Solo's condition.

Lando: I - as you say, My Lord.

(C) 1993 HighBridge Audio and Lucasfilm Ltd.

Gambler's Choice is the ninth and penultimate episode of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The Radio Drama, a 10-part adaptation of the hit 1980 film Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Adapted for an audio-only presentation by Brian Daley, the best selling author of Han Solo at Star's End,  the series aired early in 1983 on National Public Radio before the premiere of Star Wars - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. 

As the episode begins, the fortunes of war have turned against the heroes of the Rebellion. Imperial forces under the command of Lord Darth Vader (Brock Peters) have driven Rebel forces from their hidden base on the ice planet of Hoth.

Obsessed with capturing Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and taking him before his Master, the Emperor, Vader has tracked Han Solo (Perry King), Princess Leia (Ann Sachs) Chewbacca, and See-Threepio (Anthony Daniels) across the vast depths of space to Bespin's Cloud City. Arriving shortly before the harried Rebels and assisted by the mysterious bounty hunter, Boba Fett, Vader strikes a deal with Cloud City's Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams): Leia, Chewbacca, and Threepio can stay on Bespin under Lando's supervision in exchange for his cooperation in the capture of both Han Solo and, ultimately, Luke Skywalker.

As the title suggests, Gambler's Choice delves into the conflicted situation in which Lando finds himself in the third act of The Empire Strikes Back. Motivated by a desire to run Cloud City without interference by the Empire and maybe to pay back his former associate for something in their past, Lando betrays Han and his friends to Fett and Vader.

But when Vader starts altering the deal and orders that Leia and Chewie be taken to his Star Destroyer, Lando realizes - too late - the extent of the Dark Lord's treachery. Han is to be taken to Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine, Luke will be frozen in carbonite for his involuntary journey to the Emperor, and a garrison of stormtroopers will remain on Cloud City for as long as the Empire deems it necessary.

Aware that he has nothing to gain from this devil's bargain, Lando decides to gamble with his life and free Leia, Chewie, and the still partially disassembled Threepio from Imperial captivity. He also hopes to save Han from the bounty hunter before it's too late.

Meanwhile, Vader puts Lando and the others temporarily out of his mind as he focuses on a bigger prize: the young Force-sensitive Rebel who destroyed the Death Star at Yavin three years earlier. Luke has just landed on Cloud City with Artoo-Detoo at his side, intent on rescuing his friends from the Dark Lord's clutches.

My Take

In past reviews of the various Star Wars radio dramas, I have observed that adapting a movie that is remembered for its stunning visuals and exotic alien locations that are literally out of this world is difficult. It's probably easier to adapt, say, All the President's Men or Revolutionary Road from the silver screen to the radio recording studio than a special effects blockbuster along the lines of Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. 

Yet, Brian Daley not only accepted that challenge and created a wonderful and highly successful audio-only rendition of the adventures of Luke Skywalker & Friends, but he did it three times! Starting with Star Wars in 1981, The Empire Strikes Back in 1983, and after a 13-year hiatus caused by Congressional cuts to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting during the Reagan and Bush Administrations, in 1996's Return of the Jedi adaptation for HighBridge Audio, the Minnesota record company which manufactured and distributed the NPR Star Wars radio dramas in cassette and compact discs. 
Brock Peters (in a 1960s publicity photo) is the Radio Drama version of Darth Vader.

Like the other episodes in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - The Radio Drama, Gambler's Choice is a showcase for Daley's many talents as a storyteller.

Brian Daley (1947-1996)

The late Brian Daley (he died of cancer in 1996 just as the recording sessions for the radio adaptation of Return of the Jedi were nearing completion) did a good job with the characterizations, particularly Brock Peters' chilling, masterful star turn as the evil Lord Vader and Ann Sachs' equally impressive rendition of Princess Leia. I like the way that he uses the characters' dialog to describe the action as naturally as possible without making it seem too radio-like.
Daley sticks to many techniques used in radio dramas, including "wild lines" and adding small bits of trivial dialog to keep a character in the scene. As he wrote in the 1994 paperback of the Original Radio Drama Script for the first Star Wars series:
[M]ovies and TV can show you who's present even if they're not speaking, but that's a tougher proposition on radio.
Director John Madden, who is best known for his Academy Award-winning film Shakespeare in Love, had considerable experience as a radio director for the British Broadcasting Corporation. He gets great performances from the cast, including lead actor Mark Hamill, who originally played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars Trilogy, Anthony Daniels, the slender British actor who has portrayed the fussy, easily flustered protocol droid See Threepio in every Lucasfilm Star Wars film and TV series, and Billy Dee Williams, the cool, smooth, but somewhat shady Lando Calrissian

How will Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back - The Radio Drama end? Stay tuned, and until the next review, May the Force Be With You.


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