Upcoming Reviews

Dear readers,

Even though I am not feeling all that well as of late (I seem to have picked up a nasty chest cold or something), I will be working on a few reviews this week for Epinions' $10-for-10 December promotion. I'm not sure in what order I'll do them,  and given the circumstances I don't know if I'll even be able to get them all done by December 31, but these are the products I plan to write about:

  1. Prometheus, the Alien semi-prequel directed by Ridley Scott
  2. The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan's final film of his Batman trilogy
  3. Seven of the Harry Potter movies (I've already reviewed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
  4. Charles B. MacDonald's Company Commander
  5. Regarding Henry, a film by director Mike Nichols.  I bought it for my mom's Christmas present so I haven't watched it yet, so if I do review it, it will probably be one of the last reviews I'll write this year.
If I can "suggest a product" (SAP) and add it to the ever-so-reliable (not) Epinions database, I'll also review The Mighty Endeavor by Charles B. MacDonald.


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