Old Gamers Never Die: A Quick SITREP from the Training Grounds in MicroProse's 'Second Front'
The "main title" page from Second Front . © 2023 Hexdraw and MicroProse Hi, there, Dear Reader. Well, this is just a quick update about my progress with Second Front, a new turn-based tactical level game set during the Second World War created by Hexdraw and published on January 31 by MicroProse. Dislodging this German squad proved impossible the first time I played the Advance tutorial. © 2023 Hexdraw and MicroProse I’ve only played Second Front for - according to my statistics on Steam – 6.4 hours since I bought it last week when it dropped. Most of that time has been spent on exploring the various tutorials for Infantry units and Armored units; I tried one “real” battle to see if I could get by without “basic training,” but I found out – the hard way – that I’m not ready to lead anyone into combat. I had a tough time with the first Infantry tutorial, but I eventually figured out how to advance properly without getting my squad killed on the first turn. I also learned ...