Coming Soon to a Blog Near You: Upcoming Posts for 'A Certain Point of View'
Screenshot of Strategic Command WWII: World at War. © 2018 Fury Software/Slitherine Ltd. Hi, everyone! Welcome to today's "upcoming events" blog post in A Certain Point of View. As the weekend approaches, I'd like to let you know what my plans are regarding content and the future of this blog. In the near future, I'll try to focus my attention on writing reviews and back off from writing about politics, the conservative/liberal divide, and Donald Trump. This will probably result in a slow-down as far as creating blog posts since much of my energies as of late were spent writing about the toxic political scene at home and abroad. Additionally, I closed my Quora account this morning, and because most of my Trump-related content was derived from my answers on that site, I'll be forced to come up with new material that will be exclusive to A Certain Point of View if I have any hopes of getting any income from AdSense and Google. So, Constant Reader, I don...