Update: The Saga of the Wayward Lenovo Laptop is Over (and with a Happy Ending)

Look! My new laptop! (Photo by the author)

Hi there, Dear Reader.

Just a quick update to let you know that the Odyssey of the Wayward Laptop is over. Yesterday, Best Buy handed the replacement of my lost  Lenovo – IdeaPad S340 15″ Touch-Screen Laptop over to UPS, which then shipped it to Louisville, Kentucky in the afternoon, then – apparently – flew it from there to Jacksonville, Florida.

This morning, the  Lenovo – IdeaPad S340 15″ Touch-Screen Laptop was sent to Lakeland, Florida, which is roughly 25 miles away from here. There, at 9:36 AM Eastern, it was placed on a UPS truck and marked Out for Delivery. Sometime after 3 PM Eastern, it arrived here, along with the 2018 Jurassic World Five-Movie 4K UHD/2K Blu-ray set with all five currently-extant films in the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World series.

It’s late (10:27 PM Eastern) and I’m tired, so I’m going to close for now. I just wanted to let you know that I received my new laptop (even though UPS has not explained why the first attempt to ship a  Lenovo – IdeaPad S340 15″ Touch-Screen Laptop failed so spectacularly.

Until next time, Dear Reader, stay safe, stay healthy, and don’t take any wooden nickels.



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