The Nursing Home Song (The Longest Days)



(for Veterans)

The Nursing Home Song

(The Longest Day” Paul Anka)


By Alex Diaz-Granados


Juan Carlos Hernandez




Many folks came to retire

Many folks came for the tea.

Many folks have indigestion

From the dinner they serve at three.



Many folks are bored already

 Many folks are getting rude.

Many folks want this to end now

Or they’ll start to Bingo in the nude.

The longest days, the longest days 

In Nursing Homes, the longest days

Full of woes and full of masks

Full of coughs and now with hacks.



Many folks they blame the Donald

Many folks blame the Chinese

Many folks praise Dr. Fauci

In the longest days in history.



The longest days, the longest days

In Nursing Homes, the longest days.

Applesauce and Cottage cheese

And all the Gelatin you’ll ever see.


 Many folks want to see family

Many folks need to be seen

Nursing Homes need more attention

In the longest days in history.


You can hear the audio version here


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