Musings & Thoughts for September 18, 2020

Photo Credit: National Archives via US Navy


Hi there, Dear Reader. Well, today is Friday, September 18, 2020, and right now it is late afternoon in my corner of Florida. According to my phone’s AccuWeather app, it’s hot – Africa hot, as Eugene Jerome liked to say in Neil Simon’s Biloxi Blues. It’s mostly cloudy and the current temperature is 89˚F, but with 62% humidity and a westerly breeze of 6 MPH, the feels-like temperatures are 95˚F in the shade and 98˚F in the open. Not as bad as yesterday, but it’s still summery rather than getting close to autumn. That’s what living in the subtropics entails, really; we are spared from the bone-chilling ice and snow of northern climes, but by the same token we need to live in houses and apartments with functioning air conditioners and endure the six months-long hurricane seasons.

Photo illustration courtesy of Pixabay

Today was a productive day, at least on the writing-blog-posts front. I actually wrote two posts in A Certain Point of View, Too:  a review of Star Wars The Black Series: Luke Skywalker & Yoda (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) Deluxe 2-Figure Set and a brief overview of Ian W. Toll’s Pacific War Trilogy.

Photo Credit and ©2020 Hasbro, Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

Of course, It helps that I started writing the Luke Skywalker & Yoda review as soon as I woke up and sat at my desk; that post took me over three hours to write, and the fact that I had uninterrupted access to the Wi-Fi during that time was also a major factor. Even when my housemate – for lack of a better term since we are no longer a committed couple – logged on to her home office computer to work in the afternoon, she had no connectivity issues  and therefore did not notice I was still online. If she had had a single hiccup and seen that I was connected to the Wi-Fi, she would have gotten upset and snapped at me for being online at a time when I am usually offline. (Hey, she went out to run errands, and I didn’t know she was home, so that explains my side of things.)

So, anyway, yeah. After I wrapped up the Star Wars The Black Series review I went full speed ahead and wrote the overview of Pacific Crucible, The Conquering Tide, and Twilight of the Gods. I think I spent about 90 minutes on that, and quite a bit of that time was expended on adding graphics and making sure they were laid out nicely. I posted that on WordPress less than two hours ago and so far it has been seen nine times and liked twice.

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It was only after I went across to the bathroom across the hall to take a hot shower and change into “street clothes” – although I hardly ever venture outside here – that I noticed that my housemate was working in the master bedroom where she has her home office. Out of simple courtesy I put my PC on “airplane mode” so that her Wi-Fi signal does not have any issues. She finishes at 5 PM Eastern so I should be able to log in soon and post this.

Anyway, yeah. I’m sad that I am single again, but the sad reality is that even though we both have good intentions and a lot of affection for each other, we really are not that compatible. She likes to drink a lot – too much, if you ask me – and listen to really loud music. I am less enthusiastic about booze – I can take it or leave it, and frankly, I prefer to leave it – and I’ve never been a fan of disco, 1970s pop music (except for a few groups or solo singers here and there), or Latin dance music, which are my new ex’s favorite genres.  Plus she loves reality TV shows, which I detest with a passion. (She also supports Donald Trump, while I definitely do not.)

There are other factors that came into play in the breakup, but I’m not gonna get into them. I still love my ex, incidentally, but we are not in a happy place right now.

Anyway, I don’t have any other major news to share. I bought the new Blu-ray edition of The Sons of Katie Elder from Amazon and I received that on Tuesday. I’ve watched most of it over two nights, but I have to watch it again soon in one sitting so I can review it.

Well, that about wraps it up for this installment of Musings & Thoughts. So until next time, I’ll catch you on the sunny side of things.


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