Bloggin' On: Odds and Ends - November 26 Edition

A glimpse at a part of my Blu-ray collection, courtesy of my member page at Some of the movies I own in 2019 were ones that I bought for Mom during her last four years; I kept them for sentimental reasons. 

Hello and welcome once again to Bloggin' On, the "blog-within-a-blog" section of A Certain Point of View. It's Tuesday, November 25, and as I write this it is mid-afternoon here in my corner of Florida. The weather outside is nice, right now it's mostly sunny and the temperature is 72℉ (22℃); the low is expected to reach 51℉ (10℃) tonight, but I don't foresee myself venturing outside for any reason. I should at least try to sit out on the front porch with a book and get a bit of fresh air and sun, but I don't have any desire to do so.

A little while ago I saw on my Amazon account that the home media release of It: Chapter Two is available for pre-order, so I did that. Warner Bros. is dropping the various videodisc (Blu-ray, 4K UHD Blu-ray, and DVD) editions on December 10, and since that's one of the two theatrical releases I've gone out to see with my better half, I decided to order it so I'll have it the first day it's out. I should have written a review of It: Chapter Two after seeing it on the big screen, but Andy Muschietti's 169-minutes-long adaptation of Stephen King's 1986 supernatural horror novel deserves a decent writeup; one viewing did not suffice, so I have to wait till I see It: Chapter Two a couple of more times before I can review it properly.

Today has been an unproductive one, at least as far as writing goes. I wrote a review yesterday, of course, and I'm not obligated to write a review or opinions piece every day; no one is paying me for content, and my ad revenue is so pitifully low that I can honestly say I make a few pennies a day in a good week, and those "good weeks" are few and far between. And even though I signed up for the NaNoWriMo challenge for 2020, the contest is over 11 months away. I do plan to start prepping as soon as possible, but again, the only one pressuring me to write is me, not some distant client that I have never met in person.

Image courtesy of NaNoWriMo

Truth is, folks, is that every so often there are times when I can't say to myself, "Okay, tomorrow I'll blog about X film, Y TV show, or Z book, or about Trump's latest outrage." Picking a media product to review isn't always easy, and constantly bitching about the barbarian in the White House is exhausting, both mentally and emotionally.

Also,  I can't always review Star Wars collectibles, since many of the ones I own are stored where I can't easily grab them for a review or, conversely, I already have reviewed them on A Certain Point of View. And I can't buy a lot of new action figures or vehicles, either; I can't afford to do so, and even if money wasn't an issue, there is still the matter of limited space in which to display and/or store my collection. The house where I live is not mine, and I can't just take over every bit of empty space, either.

So...I think I'll go out of my writing room/study and either read a book or watch some television. I don't feel like gaming; I've been doing plenty of that as it is, and sometimes I feel guilty after I do because the time spent on, say, Unity of Command II could have gone into something more productive.

You know, like prepping that novel for NaNoWriMo.


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