Bloggin' On: Coming Soon to 'A Certain Point of View'

Hello and welcome once again to another installment of Bloggin' On, the "blog within a blog" in which I step out of my usual roles of the online reviewer and political commentator. I'm sorry that I have not been writing as often as I was before late October, but with the 400-posts-for-the-year mark rapidly approaching, I figure that I can slow down a bit now that I've achieved the goal of writing 365 posts in a single calendar year...and exceded it.

It's Sunday, November 17 (Already? Wow!) and it's morning here in my corner of Florida. Right now the temperature is 51℉ (10℃) under mostly cloudy skies, and the forecast high will be approximately 65℉ (18℃), and even though no rain is in the forecast, the rest of the day will be mostly cloudy. A cold front (the first strong one of the season) has passed through, and the rest of the week will be cool and definitely fall-like.

As for what you can expect to see on A Certain Point of View shortly...

Well, I still owe you that review of John Carpenter's Christine; I had hoped to have that puppy written by now, but between trying to master Strategic Command WWII: World at War and the need to take a break from posting daily, I haven't gotten around to it. I'll rewatch it this week (I've only watched it once since I bought the Christine Blu-ray late last month, and even though I have written movie reviews based on one viewing - see my writeup of Roland Emmerich's Midway), I often watch movies I own on Blu-ray or DVD at least twice before I do the review. So, Dear Reader, please be patient, I'll get it done.

I'm also reading a few new books, including Robert Hutchinson's The Spanish Armada: A History, which I purchased after getting Harry Turtledove's alternative history novel Ruled Britannia, which looks at a Britain in which the English do not defeat the Armada and is occupied by the armies of Philip II.

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And as you can probably guess from the video at the top of this blog post, I also hope to review the second season of Star Trek: Discovery, the CBS All-Access prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series. I don't subscribe to CBS All-Access, a pay-to-watch streaming service, so I've had to wait till Paramount Home Entertainment released the three-disc Blu-ray set on November 12.

I have been watching Season Two over the past few days, so I foresee a review of the adventures of Michael Burnham and the crew of USS Discovery will be on my "to do" list this week.

© Paramount Home Entertainment and CBS Studios
Well, Constant Reader, that's all I have to say for today. So until next time, be safe, be well, and stay groovy!


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