Talking About Politics, Insincere Questions Category:Why should the American public NOT take the Democrats interpretation of the Mueller's report?

On Quora, die-hard Trump supporter Eda Acuri asked this question yesterday:

Why should the American public NOT take the Democrats interpretation of the Mueller's report?

Quora has marked this question as being insincere.

Here's my reply to Ms. Acuri:

First, my fellow American, it’s not “Mueller’s report,” it’s the “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election,” by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III. If you’re going to ask loaded, insincere questions in an effort to defend “the greatest President in American history,” as some of you like to call Donald J. Trump, you can at least try for a modicum of accuracy when you write, especially on a public forum like Quora.
Second, it’s not the “Democrats interpretation” of the above-mentioned “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election.” The way you phrased that question is as dishonest as it is grammatically incorrect, my friend. You might want to brush up on your use of apostrophes as well as the occasional fact.
To be honest with you, sweet summer child, I am no longer surprised that you would say that it’s Democrats (or as some of your fellow Republicans like to call us, “Demonrats”) who are “interpreting” the “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election” in a way that makes Donald J. Trump and his campaign team look less than saintly. For the past two years, Mr. Trump and his followers have been striving hard to make the investigation into Russia’s extensively documented cyber efforts to influence our elections to look like:
  • A hoax
  • A witch-hunt
  • Mere “opposition research”
  • A Democratic Party-Russian collaboration that backfired (I find that one extremely creative. False, but creative)
  • Unimportant if it did happen
In other words, Republicans, or should I say “Trump Republicans,” want the world to believe two different narratives that protect the current President from being held accountable for anything.
Narrative One goes something like this: Russia did not interfere in our elections and Trump won without help from Putin.
Narrative Two is more bizarre: Russia tried to intervene, but to help Hillary win. In addition, Trump knew absolutely nothing about it until the previous Administration told him about it.
I downloaded the “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election,” by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, as released by Mr. Trump’s own Department of Justice. It’s pretty long (448 [pages long) and definitely not light reading, but it does state several things:
  • Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to ensure Trump won
  • The Trump campaign had many important people with Russian connections, including former campaign manager Paul Manafort, and they were eager to get any information about Mrs. Clinton from any source
  • When Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks hackers broke into American politicians’ servers and computer files, they excluded Republican officials’ files and solely leaked Democratic Party-related materials
Today I ordered a paperback copy of the “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election” from Amazon because reading the PDF file on my computer is awfully tiring for my eyes. It will make reading the Report a lot easier (physically), but I assure you, it will be no less damaging and damning to Trump’s cause than the copy I have in my hard drive.
The “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election” is not a “Democratic Party interpretation” of Mueller’s investigation. Mr. Mueller is a registered Republican, and he was assigned to carry out the investigation by a Republican Attorney General appointed by (wait for it) Donald Trump. Zero Democrats were involved in the assignment, although considering that Mr. Mueller today said, on live TV, that he and his staff had not cleared the President at all, lots of GOP politicians are now wishing there had been no investigation whatsoever.
You can try and deflect, deny, and play ostrich, but what is on those 448 pages is not very flattering for the current President or many GOP party leaders.


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