Talkin' About....Roseanne Barr's unfortunate tweet

Did ABC do the right thing in canceling “Roseanne” after her attack on Valerie Jarrett?
Honestly, yes, and here is why.
Ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election, large numbers of people with animosity toward other people (liberals, people of color, immigrants, religions other than Evangelical Protestantism, and LGBQTs) have shed whatever cloak of civility they used to wear and now feel able to say whatever they like, whenever they want, consequences be damned.
Apparently, Roseanne Barr, the one-time stand-up comic and star of the ABC’s hit comedy show that bears here name, is one of those individuals who feel that now that Trump is President, she can make any comment she likes on fora such as Twitter with no fallout whatsoever.
Barr, of course, has always been a controversial celebrity.
Several years ago, Barr posed in a Hitler disguise, standing in front of an oven with a baking pan of human-shaped cookies. It was a satirical photo taken for a Jewish humor publication, but to satirize the Shoah like that is in extremely bad taste.
Yesterday we learned that Disney-owned ABC fired Barr for a tweet in which the comedian, who was the lead actor in the rebooted Roseanne, said this about Valerie Jarrett, an African-American woman who was born in Iran:
That, though, was only the tip of the Twitterstorm Barr unleashed. That jab at Jarrett, which she quickly deleted, followed a stream-of-consciousness series of tweets and retweets in which she called George Soros a Nazi and called Chelsea Clinton “Chelsea Soros Clinton.”

Roseanne Barr Retweeted
Why is Soros on video acknowledging he worked with his Nazi-Uncle to round up Jewish people? It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO. It's on VIDEO.

Chelsea Soros Clinton
So, yeah. If you are a public figure (as Barr surely is) you can’t go around spewing whatever hateful things swim inside your mind on social media and not have negative consequences.


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