Talkin' Politics: Why Donald Trump gets no respect.....

Why can’t people respect President Donald Trump, you ask?

Well, to be honest, not everybody disrespects Mr. Trump. He has a very vocal, very active, and (dare I say) incredibly aggressive core of supporters. This core is made up of mostly white, mostly Christian, extremely conservative and largely rural Americans, although quite a few African-Americans and a large subgroup of Cuban-American citizens - most of whom live in South Florida - are fiercely loyal to Mr. Trump.
So, in essence, it’s fair to say that not everyone lacks respect for Mr. Trump.
I, sadly, happen to be one of the many millions of Americans who simply can’t bring themselves to respect a man like Donald J. Trump.
Listen. I don’t know if the person who posted this question on Quora is a genuine American citizen of the Republican/conservative/nationalist persuasion or a Russian “troll” in the service of the Russian Federation’s huge (or as Mr. Trump would say, “yuge”) efforts to influence American public opinion in order to sow confusion, divisiveness, and internal strife. I’d like to think that the question-writer is the former and not the latter. In any case, this is why I can’t bring myself to support Mr. Trump even though he is, at the moment, the 45th President of the United States of America.
I’d like to say, first of all, that I stand with all the other Quora members who say “Respect is earned, not given.” Most of Mr. Trump’s loud, proud “MAGA” crowd seem to be of the opinion that because the man is the President he automatically deserves everyone’s respect and unswerving loyalty, even though their “chosen one” is notorious for:
  • His narcissism and need for constant praise and adulation. His first televised interview, which aired only a few days of his inauguration, is a great example of his egocentric attitudes. It’s full of bluster, empty boasts, and outright lies.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Not you personally but your network -- and they tried to demean the speech. And I know when things are good or bad. A poll just came out on my inauguration speech which was extraordinary that people loved it. Loved and liked. And it was an extraordinary poll.
DAVID MUIR: I guess that's what I'm getting at. You talked about the poll, the people loving your inaugural speech and the size of your ...
PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, because you bring it up.
DAVID MUIR: I'm asking, well, on day one you ...
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, you just brought it up. I didn't bring it up. I didn't wanna -- talk about the inauguration speech. But I think I did a very good job and people really liked it. You saw the poll. Just came out this morning. You bring it up. I didn't bring it up.
DAVID MUIR: So, polls and crowd size and covers on Time, those still matter now that you're here as president.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, you keep bringing it up. I had a massive amount of people here. They were showing pictures that were very unflattering, as unflattering -- from certain angles -- that were taken early and lots of other things. I'll show you a picture later if you’d like of a massive crowd.
  • Second, as both someone who studied journalism and has a physical disability, I cannot respect anyone who constantly attacks the media because he, Donald J. Trump, believes that newspapers, TV networks, and other sources of news and opinion content do not praise his policies, his speeches, or his personal behavior. With the exception of conservative and alt-right media mouthpieces like Fox News Channel and his buddy Stephen K. Bannon’s Breitbart web site, Mr. Trump lashes out against news-gathering organizations such as The Washington Post, CNN, and the New York Times because they dare to cover his Administration with a critical eye and won’t praise or cheer his every decision or public utterance. He also doesn’t mind mocking those people who dare ask him uncomfortable questions or happen to have physical disabilities.


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