Old Gamers Never Die: Cool Images from a Session of 'Cold Waters'
© 2017 Killerfish Games As you know, my current favorite computer game is Cold Waters (2017), a submarine warfare simulator set in an alternate timeline where the Cold War turned hot. Inspired by MicroProse Software's 1988 classic Red Storm Rising, this game from Australian game studio Killerfish Games takes players into the cold waters of either the North Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean and depicts three separate and chilling scenarios set in alternate versions of 1968, 1984, and 2000. I play Cold Waters at least twice a week on average, but there are times when I play the game a bit more. I enjoy it more than most of my other games because: It does remind me of the many hours that I played Red Storm Rising back when I was younger It has kickass graphics It has immersive sound and dialogue It is full of heart-pounding action and intense situations full of suspense and drama Did I mention the kickass graphics? It is challenging and makes players want to learn more about ...