Musings & Thoughts for Saturday, June 3, 2023

Image Credit: Pixabay

 It’s early afternoon here in Lithia, Florida, on Saturday, June 3, 2023, almost two PM, really. It’s a warm (but getting hotter) early summer day in the Tampa Bay area (83°F/29°C under partly sunny skies). According to the forecast, today will be mostly cloudy, with a fair chance for light showers this afternoon, and the high will be 86°F/30°C.

Well, if you’ve been reading my (sadly) infrequent posts on A Certain Point of View, you are doubtlessly aware that I’ve been working since late March on what apparently will be my first novel. As of today, I’m on the first draft of what, for now, has the working title of Reunion: Coda, which is – obviously – a continuation of my novella Reunion: A Story.

The view from WriteItNow

Depending on which program I get my stats from (WriteItNow or Microsoft Word) I have written 150 pages on the former and 90 pages in the latter. (And since I am looking at the “master document file” on Word, the figure from there is three pages short since I have not yet added yesterday’s writing from my “scratch sheet” file.)

Today being Saturday – and therefore a day off from working on the novel – I doubt that I’ll write either a new scene for Chapter Nine or even start thinking about Chapter Ten. I don’t think I’m done with the chapter I have been working on for several weeks – I still have not heard from Concord Music regarding permission to use lyrics from West Side Story’s “Somewhere,” and as long as I have that bit of uncertainty hanging over me, I am hesitant about pressing forward and finishing Nine so I can move on and start planning Ten.

I don’t know what I will be doing today besides writing this post and my daily post on my other WordPress blog. It’s not that I lack options; I do have movies/TV shows on home media that I can watch, books that I can read, or games that I can play, so chances are that I will choose from one of those items on the menu.

If I get bored, I might work on Reunion: Coda. I don’t want to, but I can’t rule it out entirely. I’ve already been working on it for three months, and I want to get past the “first draft” stage as soon as I can.

That’s all the news that’s fit to print, so I’ll close for now. I still have that other blog post to write, so, I’ll see you around! 


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