Bloggin' On: Checking In and Update for June 6, 2020

Checking In



Image credit: Pixabay

Hi, Dear Reader. It’s been a while – a month, almost – since I last posted here on Blogger. I didn’t plan it that way, but I’ve been working hard to establish A Certain Point of View’s sister blog – named A Certain Point of View, Too – over on WordPress. That endeavor is going well; I have over 60 posts up there and I have 68 followers so far – which is almost three times as many as this blog has now. I don’t have as many pageviews on WordPress as I have here, but this blog is far older and has over 1300 posts. Nevertheless, A Certain Point of View, Too is doing okay and I’m happy with it…even though I am not pleased at the reason why I had to create it in the first place.

I had hoped that I’d be able to juggle writing for two blogs at once, either by creating content for both on a daily basis and posting at night, or by writing here one day and writing there the next. I had no set plan for this juggling act, though, so I’ve been focusing on WordPress more, partly because it’s new and a bit easier to create posts in than the “new” Blogger, but mostly because I don’t have unlimited time online during the business week, And, to be honest, I don’t have the stamina to write two blog posts a day – even if I use Word (like I’m doing now) to write the copy and then copy-paste the text onto the blank page on either site.

So, anyway…I’ve been busy with that, and now that I have to be offline a lot during the work week I now spend a great deal of time reading. More time than usual, although sometimes I use my offline time to game. Consequently, I’ve been able to finish at least three of the books on my TBR list. They are:

  • Tower of Skulls: A History of the Asia-Pacific War, July 1937-April 1942, Richard B. Frank 
  • The World Unmade: The History of the Great War, 1914-1918, G.J. Meyer
  • The World Remade: America in World War I, G.J. Meyer 

I still have a few of the other books on my TBR list on the unfinished category. They are:

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Expanded Edition, Rae Carson
  • Star Wars: Resistance Reborn, Rebecca Roanhorse 
  • Star Wars - Dooku: Jedi Lost, Cavan Scott  

Of these, the book I’ve read the most of is Dooku: Jedi Lost; it’s the script for an audiobook rather than a full-on novel, but it’s good. I am way past the halfway point, and I can see why Dooku would be susceptible to being converted by Darth Sidious into the ways of the Sith, though at the point of the story where I am currently, Dooku is still a Jedi Master and training a young Padawan named Qui-Gon Jinn.

Other than that…I have bought a few new Star Wars: The Black Series figures, ordered some new books, and written quite a few new reviews for A Certain Point of View, Too. But, aside from that…nothing much happens here, especially since we still have the pandemic and now the George Floyd protests out there.

Yesterday, for instance, I re-reviewed Darryl F. Zanuck’s The Longest Day, just in time for the 76th anniversary of the Normandy landings on D-Day. And the day before that, I wrote a memoir about the first time that I watched The Longest Day.

I hope you are well and staying safe and healthy in these scary and uncertain times. As you can see, I’m still kickin’ and writin’. I don’t go out much – so far since COVID-19 altered the entire globe’s routine, I’ve only left the house twice, and that was to go cash a check at a bank’s drive-through section. So, Dear Reader, I will take my leave of you for now. Until next time, I’ll catch you on the sunny side of things.


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