From my Quora feed: 'Why won't the Democrats just give Trump his legacy of the wall like Republicans did so for Obamacare?'

Why won't the Democrats just give Trump his legacy of the wall like Republicans did so for Obamacare?
Dear Anonymous,
First, let’s be frank here. The fact that you submitted this question anonymously (and are not following it publicly) says a lot about you and your intention. You know that the historical record shows that Republicans did not “give’ President Obama anything when he proposed the Affordable Care Act.
As a matter of historical fact, Republicans in Congress not only refused to vote for the ACA, but they also refused to cooperate with their Democratic colleagues to create it. There was no attempt on the GOP’s part to compromise on the ACA, none at all, even though it was based on a Republican-Democratic healthcare plan created at the state level in Massachusetts and signed into law by then-Governor Mitt Romney.
Not only that, the ACA did not get one vote, not a single vote, from the Republicans in Congress.
So, please, Mr. Anonymous, don’t come on to Quora and ask insincere questions like “Why won't the Democrats just give Trump his legacy of the wall like Republicans did so for Obamacare?” It is insincere and blatantly ignores facts.
And about that wall? Not too many Republican members of Congress want to throw money at a totally useless border wall. It’s a money-wasting project, and its supporters willfully ignore that it’ll be expensive to build, even more expensive to maintain, and it won’t have much of an effect on those pesky brown folk that y’all hate so much. Even if a wall could be built on our southern border, people can still reach the U.S. via boat, or arrive at an international airport on a tourist visa and simply not go back to their home country.
So, please, Mr. (or Ms., because hate is not just a male thing), give it a rest with questions like Why won't the Democrats just give Trump his legacy of the wall like Republicans did so for Obamacare?
For once, act like mature adults and stop the intellectual dishonesty.


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