Living in Trump's America: Dark Force Rising

One of the saddest truths that Americans in the 21st Century face every day is that racism, that ever-present stain on the national soul, has never gone away. In fact, over the past decade, there has been an uptick in hate crimes, racist "jokes" and propaganda claims, and a growing boldness among Ku Klux Klan members, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists marked by public rallies, dissemination of "politically incorrect" spiels on YouTube and elsewhere, and "jokes" that are not at all funny.

Take the case of Florida high school student Noah Crowley, who thought it would be hilarious to send a "promposal" to his girlfriend, Isabella Vinalli on the social media outlet Snapchat.

In an article that appears in the Tampa Bay free newspaper tbt*, reporter Devin Rodriguez writes:

Noah Crowley, 18, sent out the "promposal" on Sunday over Snapchat. It shows a picture of him holding a sign that states: "If I was black I’d be picking cotton, but I’m white so I’m picking U 4 prom."  

And if that wasn't bad enough, Vinalli, the recipient of this "promposal," posted the racist photo on social media and reacted by adding two "lovestruck" emojis.

When Crowley's post went viral, administrators at Sarasota's Riverview High School and the Sarasota School District investigated the matter. According to the tbt* article:

Officials with the school district responded to the social media post on Monday, saying it was "racist in nature."
"Neither the school district nor Riverview High School condones or supports the message conveyed in the post," according to a statement. "This incident remains an on-going investigation and any disciplinary action and recommendation will be made accordingly."
In the statement, officials said it would be a priority for them to connect community leaders with the student body to discuss race relations and throughout the Sarasota County school system.
"Although this message is one student’s opinion, we take the matter of racial relations and school safety seriously, and we look forward to working with our students and these outside groups to have a meaningful and informative dialogue and expanded curriculum related to this important national topic," the district’s statement said.
Public outrage over Crowley's promposal (and his girlfriend's repost on Snapchat) forced Crowley, a member of this year's graduating class, to scrub his social media posts, but not before issuing a rather lame "apology on Snapchat: 
"I want to sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone with the picture going around. That was not my intention. Anyone who knows me or [name redacted] knows that that’s not how we truly feel. It was a completely joke and it went too far. After reading the texts and Snapchat’s I truly see how I have offended people and I’m sorry."
Crowley's embarrassed parents also made a public statement about their son and the consequences of his actions:
"While our son has apologized himself, on behalf of our family, we wish to also express our most sincere apologies for the terrible words used in his ‘promposal.’ We love our son dearly and know that he is a far better person than reflected in this reckless behavior. That said, as loving parents, we also feel compelled to share our own deep regret and serious concern about his actions.
"After numerous familial conversations and lengthy discussions with Riverview High School administrators, we have jointly agreed that our son will not be attending any further school activities or functions, including the Prom or graduation ceremony.
"As a family, we truly recognize this incident is a very difficult but important life lesson and pledge to do all we can to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. Certainly, we hope that all of the people and communities who were hurt and offended will forgive our son and family."

Crowley's "promposal" debacle may be the most current news item of racist hijinks that have gotten media attention, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Earlier this month, Dayanna Volitich, a 25-year-old social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School, resigned from her job after being "outed" as the white supremacist video-blogger ("vlogger") "Tiana Dalichov."
According to an April 2 report by CNN reporter Amir Vera:
Florida middle school teacher Dayanna Volitich submitted her resignation after it was found that she was also the host of a white supremacist podcast called "Unapologetic" and the voice behind a Twitter account riddled with racist and anti-Semitic posts.
The Citrus County School District removed Volitich from the classroom while it investigated her behavior after The Huffington Post broke the story in March.
Although Volitich admitted to hosting the podcast under the obviously transparent pseudonym of Tiana Dalichov, she allegedly said it was a "hobby" and that the content was (surprise) a joke.
Per CNN:
"None of the statements released about my being a white nationalist or white supremacist have any truth to them, nor are my political beliefs injected into my teaching of social studies curriculum," she said in the statement.

It's bad enough that people like Dayanna Volitich lead double lives by adopting a public persona of respectability and decency, yet profess racist beliefs along the lines of "all Muslims are evil and should be exterminated" and that "African-American students are less intelligent than whites because of racial differences." 
But worse still is the fact that there are many people in the U.S. who share her vitriolic brand of racism. 
Don't believe me? 
Read, then, the following "opinions from the comments section of a YouTube video posted by a white supremacist who calls himself "Undeniable Truth:

She can teach my kids because, she isn't sugar coating the truth in the name of progressivism.
We need more teachers like her she can teach my kids any day.....
A perfect civil rights violation case against as many libtards as the page can hold. Science and the USC A1 are on her side. Often neglected amd mentioned are n is the right of free association, as well as speech. There are hate crimes which differ from not hate speech. You have the right not to associate ad well as the right not to tolerate. Those that preach tolerance are intolerant of the intolerant which males them that which the libtards SJW claim to oppose...intolerance. Also known as circular reasoning but you need an IQ of 90 to get it.
These are not isolated cases. And they are not just jokes that went wrong. 
This is the new normal in Trump's America. Racism, the same dark force that allowed slavery to flourish in the U.S. for almost 300 years and led to the Civil War, is not waning. It's rising, and we have a President in the White House who is content to sit silent while Nazis march in Georgia and white high school students post racist "jokes" on social media. 


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