The Best of......15 Documentaries You Must See

  1. The World at War
  2. Last Days in Vietnam
  3. The Civil War: A Film by Ken Burns
  4. Vietnam: A Television History
  5. The War: A Ken Burns Film
  6. Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns
  7. The Cold War
  8. Prohibition: A Film by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick
  9. Victory at Sea
  10. The West: A Film by Stephen Ives
  11. A Film by Ken Burns: The Roosevelts: An Intimate History
  12. Empire of Dreams: The Making of the Star Wars Trilogy
  13. The Vietnam War: A Film by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick
  14. The Central Park Five: A Film by Ken Burns
  15. The American Experience: Battle of the Bulge


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