A reply to 'Do Democrats realize that nobody hyperventilated over Obama like they are doing over Trump?'

Recently, I was lurking around in Quora (a site where people ask questions about any topic under the sun - from Abstinence to Zulus - and other people answer them). I was looking at my feed for something interesting to reply to when I saw this:

I, of course, was aghast. The original poster  - who upon seeing the avalanche of replies to his literal whitewashing of the past , deleted the question - was claiming that conservatives and Republicans had never "hyperventilated" (i.e. attacked, lied about, insulted, or even criticized) President Barack Obama during his two four-year terms in the White House, while poor President Trump was being unfairly attacked by liberals, the mainstream media, and illegal aliens. 

This is what I wrote in response:

Really, Original Poster? Are you kidding me?
A slick bit of right-wing propaganda which falsely claimed that (a) Obama was a Communist and that (b) he was going to take everyone’s guns away.
Even before he won the 2008 Presidential election, many Republicans, alt-right activists, white nationalists, and straight-out racists were outraged that an African-American candidate had won the nomination as a Presidential candidate from a major political party. Starting with the Democratic primary season, individuals who didn’t want a black man to sit in the Oval Office began a campaign to smear Barack Obama and make him seem to be ineligible to be our 44th President.
I believe that even though it wasn’t a GOP operative who first floated the notion that Obama was not born in the U.S. and wasn’t qualified to assume the office of President per the U.S. Constitution, Republicans and racists eagerly accepted this as if it was Scripture. Donald Trump is one of those opportunistic individuals who publicly signed on to the “birther” story, which denied the reality that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. The Obama-haters claimed then, and some continue to do so, that the 44th President of the U.S. was born in Kenya, his father’s country of origin.
So, yeah, Republicans, Tea Party members, and their like-minded confederates hyperventilated over this bit of fake news for eight years. (Trump, by the way, only reluctantly acknowledged the fact that President Obama is an American citizen after he became President-elect.)
If this is not Republican hyperventilation, I don’t know what is.
And, of course, stuff like this was NEVER disseminated online, right, Original Poster?
If anyone seriously believes that Obama was never insulted, attacked, or even criticized by his political opponents - or ordinary citizens, for that matter - during his two terms in office, I have a deed for a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have for a song.


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