Musings for Tuesday, March 1, 2016: A late start to the day

Hey, there, Constant Reader. It’s 6:05 p.m. EST on a warm March Tuesday in Miami, Florida. I’m off to a slow start with my writing; I had a few important errands to run and I didn’t get home until 1:00. I ate a late lunch at a Cuban restaurant; it was delicious, but I think that the huge tortilla with potatoes and fried sweet plantains has made me feel sleepy and a little lethargic. I probably should be taking a nap now, but then I’d be up all night. Then tomorrow I’d feel the same level of tiredness and lack of concentration, and that would suck big-time.

So, here I am in my new study, tap-tap-tapping away on my keyboard and trying to get my little gray cells up and running so I can write. As I said in an earlier blog entry, the Muses Thalia (comedy), Melpomene (tragedy), Erato (love poetry) and Calliope (epic poetry) aren’t picky about what I write; they only care if I write.

Anyway, it’s a bit late in the day to write a review for Examiner; I have several of those on my to-do list and I will do them, but not tonight. I will probably tackle The Boy in the Striped Pajamas for my Blu-ray & DVD beat. I also need to get a few book reviews in the pipeline. After all, I asked for – and received – two additional beats last spring (Books and Star Wars), so I have an obligation to Examiner to turn in book reviews and Star Wars-related news stories. So my plan for tomorrow will be to choose which beat to write for and what type of article to submit.  We’ll see what develops. 

Well, it seems that the little gray cells are still a bit tired, so I will close for now. So, sayonara, folks!


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