Karlie Tomica: Alcohol, Irresponsibility and Immaturity Mix Fatally

It's been a while since I last wrote about Karlie Tomica, the 20-year-old Nikki Beach bartender who killed  Stefano Riccioletti as she drove back home, drunk as the proverbial skunk, on the early morning hours of Jan. 29.

The passage of time has done nothing to assuage my anger about this case of a reckless driver who, as Miami Beach Police detective Vivian Hernandez tells the Miami New Times' Lanie Doss, was highly intoxicated.

In an article dated February 12,  The New Times' Short Order blogger writes:

MBPD Detective Vivian Hernandez confirmed the findings to Short Order. "Yes. She was three times above the legal limit." Hernandez also said that Tomica will have to appear in court and face additional charges. 

Though law enforcement officers had only charged Tomica with leaving the scene of an accident which resulted in death, they did so only to wait for the toxicology reports.  Tomica now faces serious charges, including one for driving under the influence.

Karlie Tomica is also facing more woes on another front: According  to Local10.com, the website of ABC affiliate WPLG-TV, a civil lawsuit, filed by Riccioletti's adult son in Miami-Dade County, also seeks to pin some of the responsibility for his father's death on Nikki Beach management.  The suit states that not only did the club hire Tomica, who is not legally allowed to consume alcohol as a bartender, but that management encourages servers to drink with customers for sales purposes.  

Riccioletti's family also alleges Nikki Beach (ironically named after Jack Penrod's late daughter who was killed by a drunk driver) knew Tomica was inebriated and was going to drive herself home after her shift.

Photo Credit: WSVN via Miami-Dade Dept. of Corrections
The former "Party princess" who once boasted about "livin' the dream" posted $10,000 bail on Jan. 29 and has erased all traces of her online existence.  Her fiance shut down Tomica's Facebook and Twitter accounts on the same day Karlie bonded out.  She is expected to turn herself in on to authorities  Friday to face the new, harsher charges.

Sources: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/shortorder/2013/02/karlie_tomicas_blood_alcohol_l.php



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