After the Apocalypse: Life in Trump's America
Donald John Trump, the 45th President of the United States, has been in office for only six days, and everyone - except his hard-core supporters - is extremely worried about America's future. I know that many people who come across this post probably think that I'm either a "liberal sore loser" who dislikes President Trump because he beat the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, back in November. Or that I'm an anti-American, unpatriotic, bleeding heart idiot who can't admit that Mr. Trump will make America great again. It is true that I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, but not for merely partisan reasons. I have never been a member of either the Democratic or Republican Parties; when I registered to vote back in 1984, I told the Department of Elections person who handled my paperwork that I wanted to register as an Independent. I hate extremism, whether it is from the Right or the Left. I am leery of any movement that calls for ...