From Star Wars to Jedi: A 1983 overview of the Star Wars saga
The Bottom Line: If you still own a VCR or can transfer this VHS tape's content to digital media, From Star Wars to Jedi may be worth getting. Plot Details: This opinion reveals major details about the movie's plot. On Wednesday, May 25, 1977, 20th Century Fox - somewhat skeptically - released Star Wars, writer-director George Lucas's third feature film, hoping that enough movie-going science-fiction "geeks" would go see it on Memorial Day Weekend for the studio to recoup its $9 million investment. Considering that science fiction movies rarely earned enough box office "take" for studios to earn much more than the seed money that they reluctantly doled out to even visionary directors like Stanley Kubrick, neither the board of directors at Fox nor Lucas himself had any hopes that Star Wars would set the movie world on fire. Indeed, the studio "suits" - and some of the film's British crew - figured that Lucas's spac...